Rejection is NOT You

Dionne Stratton
2 min readAug 13, 2021


And it’s not actually about you.

Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash

To everyone who has ever stepped out of their comfort zone and into the new and the unknown: You are brave, you are strong, and you will succeed! I know you’ve been turned down, rejected, and ignored too many times to count. I know you’re beginning to question your worth, your abilities, and maybe even your sanity. I know because that’s me too. You shrug it off the first time or two, but as two becomes ten, then fifty, then a hundred, you begin to really wonder: “Am I just not good enough?” Let me say to you, “You are enough, and you’re in good company.” The most well-known and successful people to have ever lived we rejected or failed more times than they ever bothered to count. The one difference between them and those never “made it”? Perseverance.

“Perseverance” by

Or you can call it “stubbornness” or “determination”. It doesn’t matter what you call it, only but that you have it. Because here’s something that us stubborn people know: They aren’t rejecting me but only what they perceive me to be. If they knew me, they’d grab me before anyone else could and do everything in their power to get me to stay. And that is true of you too. I know this because you’ve already taken that first brave step, you’ve put yourself out there and have the wounds to prove it. And I want to say to you what I say to myself every day:

Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

“Don’t give up!” Don’t back down, don’t settle, and don’t doubt for a moment that you have what it takes. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep trying. The storm is breaking and the dawn is coming! Keep knocking on those doors until one opens, because I promise you it will. It may not look like you thought it would or be nearly as soon as you had hoped, but the right thing is out there and it’s looking for you too. So keep on, my friend!



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